A Dogue's Life!

Posts tagged ‘dogue de bordeaux’

Day at the Vet

Well I had to have my annual vet check today…

some shots, some tests, and some meds…

I was being such a big baby and wouldn’t let them draw my blood, they took me from my mum and to this “other” room, where I was all alone. No mum, just me and the nursekid! I don’t even remember how it all happened but they must of gotten what they needed.

They took me back to mum. And gave me my shot, some meds, got my Certificate of Heath for our big up coming trip to Canada… and sent me on my way….

Everyone at the vet office who saw me, said I was so well behaved, sitting, laying and staying as comanded.. well cept for the needle part.. blush

Like my short leash mum has custom made for me?

After I got home mum gave me a special bone to chew. My Ultamate Busy Bone… YUM

Oh and the vet said I gained back all the weight I lost last time, and I’m now 109 pounds.

Mum still thinks I’m small compared to other Dogues in my litter… but I dunno, I like me the way Iam..

So Iam a Giant Breed, why aren’t I listed? Does this mean I’m going to be somewhere in between 120 & 198??

198 holy Dog!!

Thats some major kibble..

Look at me now

Growing into a nice young man, if I do say so myself!!! 😉

and my dad

so what ya think??? Am I comparable to my dogue dad?


Just me and my mum

I spent the day with my mum, while everyone else had stuff to do, mum and I hung out and took some pictures, and played with my friend Parker Dog.

I know one thing, that dog Parker can sure run fast!!!

Parker may be faster, but I think I’m stronger!!


It was nice to get some dog fun

All in all I had a great Saturday. I’m sleeping the rest of the weekend to make up for all that dog excersise!


PS: I also got another Honorable mention in a photo contest:

She found me! & Dogue Dad update

Well look who found me on the internet!

My sister Claire De Lune…. she is sooooooooooo pretty! Mum thinks she looks like me, but more girly of course!! 😉

You can see pictures of her on my Litter  Mates tab @ the top of my blog!!

I miss my Dogue Family!

Oh and my dad got best of breed last week in Georgia… Check out his newest picture…. 🙂

Yeah Crusader Dogue Dad!!!



Oh the rain is so nice… I like to play in it, walk in it…… and especially drink it!!

Mum got me this to wear in my rain adventures!

Rain or shine… I’m a good dog.. and I love the outside….

Dogue Earth Day

Just because we are dogs does not mean we can’t be involved in Earth Day! And saving the Earth is something we all need to do…

Buy some toys made from natural or recycled materials…


Also use Eco Friendly/natural products like: shampoos, soaps, medicines, flea/tick prevention, foods, bedding… etc…

When I go for my evening walk my mum always picks up my poo using biodegradable doggie bags. And instead of flushing, we are composting the poo!!

You also can always get a recycled pup! Adoption saves lives!

Some say to spay or neuter! But I can’t push that one, I’m not… but I agree that it helps control the pet population and over breeding of animals.

Together we can make a change!

By reducing your carbon pawprint

Happy Earth Day

Love Cage “woof”

Dogue Allergies & fleas/ticks

Allergies are upon us… please don’t forget about us dogs, we need relief too!

Also you should read this before you use your flea/tick prevention…..



treat tease

here Iam trying to find a way to get the dang treats out of this toy… mum was amused, but I wasn’t!!

Phew! Now I need a nap!!

a strange kind of Dogue

This looks like me in my jammies!!! LOL

Its a Dosa or Korean Mastiff… a cross between a dogue de bordeaux, a Neapolitan Mastiff, and a Japanese Tosa-Inu!!

Interesting or what??

= love

this is what love is all about!!!

And my most favorite thing to do is……………..

Peeing on stuff!!


I also own all the mail boxes on my street, a few fire hydrants, most of the front lawns, a couple light poles, one car, a basketball, my sisters foot, and the whole back yard…..