A Dogue's Life!

Archive for January 29, 2010

a COLD winter walk

We walked down to the bus stop today to meet my sister after school. It was FREEZING! Mum made me wear a scarf!!

there are so many dogs out there in need of homes!

Pet Adoption

Adopt a Pet

handle bars

My brother says my lips look like handle bars on an old chopper!!

What do you think? They are growing good, and starting to get more slobbery by the day!!

I drool bepaws I can!!!

bath day

mum said I was stinky and my ears were “filty”!! Oh not to mention my horrible smelling feet!!

So its bath day!!

I get to go up the stairs which I normally am not allowed up there (dad says its not good for my growing bones).

I love to drink the water, and even soap tastes ok to me!

I’m embarassed bepaws my mum is taking pics of me in the nude.. where is my colar, i’m naked without!!

ok I’m done now… where’s my towel?

Can I get out now??? burrrrrrrrrr

Now I’m resting in the sun, warming myself up after a good shake and pee outside!!