A Dogue's Life!

Posts tagged ‘puppyschool’

Graduation day!

Guess what? I graduated from Basic Obedience today! Yeahhhh Finally got my diploma and mum got a tshirt!

She was so proud of me. And I got presents too….

I can't stop admiring my diploma, actually it looks yummy!


ok my turn to hold it... hehe "eat" it!!

gifts? for me?   treats, ohhh I love treats

my BIG cookie!!

soooo yummy!   MY cookie

I'm sooooo spoiled!

If you want you can send graduation gifts to me in the form of treats!!!   * Wink Wink *


here’s a clip of me heeling and sitting during my daily walk… good boy am I !!

here Iam digging at the playground, I found something interesting… I must get it out…

Puppy School day 1

WoW ! that was the most exhausting event of my whole life!! Sit stay heel, left right, about, down, and leave it.. I hope I never hear those words for the rest of the weekend… but for some strange reason, I think I will, bepaws my mum was so excitted!! The teacher said I did very well and that I was pretty advanced!! So I guess I’m going again?

It was so hot out, and there was this cute kitty that my sis was playing with, and it was sooooo hard to concentrate.. buttt I did it.

Now its my nap time, which I’m thinking it will be for the rest of the day! Phew

Here are a few pics my mum took from our photoshoot a few days ago!

Cage 15 weeks old 45 pounds!


 yes I whiten! the benefits of a dental family... LOL

     strike a pose!!

 please take it off!!  :(