A Dogue's Life!

Posts tagged ‘dogue de bordeaux’


Went down by the pond for a quick stroll. What did my eyes see? Something in the water…. what could it be?

It cooled of a bit today… burrr, for spring, that wind is quite chilly.

After my walk I had a special lunch of fried eggs!

Mum is still making me practice on my ramp…. no car trips yet!

if you havn’t looked at my tabs on the top of my page, I have updated my family tree and litter pages with new pics.. and if you want more added, please send them to me.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Dog Ramp

Dad got me a ramp. It came in the delivery truck today. wooo hoooo I can’t wait to use it to get in the car.

Mum had me walking on it on the floor to get used to it. I sat and posed for a few pics!

Woah does that say it holds up to 500 pounds!! How big do they think I’m gonna get?? 😉


If you want one too, you can find more info about it here: http://www.petstep.com/


Can I go to the park now???

Vet Check

Well I went to the Doggie Doctor yesterday! I think I’m gonna live. He did some looking around, and lots of touching. And he thinks that everything is fine with my HIP, KNEE, & Foot. But he does think that I do have this panosteritis (growing pains). Which I had in my front leg later last year. So he said NO xrays were needed. And he doesn’t want me taking any Doggie Pain meds for it. Too many bad side effects from the Rimadyl and Dog Asprin.

He recommended we try a more natural approach. Herbal remedies.

He gave me some funny tasting crystal stuff called ARNICA. Its from a plant. And my mom did some investigating online (again) and she is way into this stuff. I hope it works. I don’t like sore legs. I want to run and play again.

So we shall see how this turns out.

Here is a link to some other dog Herbal Remedies, including Arnica.


I did loose 10 pounds in the last few weeks due to my not feeling well and whining about my leg.. Mum is trying to fatten me back up with fried eggs in my food.. and they are so yummy!!

Here is an interesting page my mum found and wanted me to share: http://www.dogmark.net/dmninter/dogmarkarticle/elliott02.html

And I saw this and thought it was so scary!!! Yikes, I need to eat more eggs!!!

St Patty’s Day

May your blessings outnumber The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go. HAPPY SAINT PATTY’S DAY!!! ♥ Cage

On a sad note though, my left back hip is REALLY bothering me! I cannot get up to walk. I just want to lay in the backyard and not even come inside.

Its time for mum to call the vet.. its been long enough.

Hope its nothing serious.

Pray for me please!


It was a warm damp night in my peaceful yard last night.

I was taking it easy patrolling the fence line.

 When something cought my attention out of the corner of my doggie eye!

A movement in the grass! What could it be??

I quickly ran to get a closer look!!! HOLY moley, what the heck is THAT ??

I barked and barked and barked! It was not a bit scared. It was in defense mode.. Claws up ready to pinch my nose.

I kept barking and finally my mum came out to see what was going on in the dark!

She laughed and laughed. I still don’t know why. And then she picked it up and took the little beast inside to show everyone!

What is wrong with her?

That beast is freaky and dangerous looking. I’m not getting close!!

Oh my Dog, its going to get meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Everybodyyyyyyyyyy ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

Mum laughed and laughed somemore.. then she picked it up and took it outside to let it go by the pond!

I hope that thing NEVER comes back… I will be watching the yard VERY closely to make sure.

rain = spring

Oh its been raining.. is that a sure sign of spring? The birds are chirping, the geese are back, I think its almost that time of year…

you know that smell in the air???


My damp slow stroll down the street was quite refreshing.. it was nice to get out and leave my mark on all the lawns again.

My sister got to ride her scooter outside finally! I stood watch..

I hope I don’t hurt too much tonight after my walk!


its so pretty outside, but all I want to do is lay around out there and rest…

My hip is hurting.

Mum is starting to get worried..

Until I heal, I have to stay put and go no where or do nothing…

Please get better soon legs…


Update: mum has been online again, she found more info, apparently its more trouble to stay off my legs and get lots of rest.. so I’ll have to take it easy and go for a walk tomorrow and get some excersise and move my bones!!! Easy does it.. Wish me luck.

picture of the day

Ohhh it smells like spring….

joint pain again

my legs have been bother me all week! I hate these growing pains…

My dad says its because mom was taking me in and out of the Element, and the jumping up and down was irritating my hips.

So now mum is ordering a ramp for me to enter the car on my own without pressure on my hips and joints.

And she did some investigating and found this medicine called FLEXICOSE. We found a generic of it at our Farmer Supply Store Rual King.

it has 5000mg of Glucosamine, 1750mg of MSM, and lots of other stuff including shark cartilage, and ascorbic acid.

I hope to fell good soon.

This new medicine is supposed to be better for me than my Rimadyl and doggie asprin ( no, not taken together)!!

I’ll let you know how it works.

Here is the website for more info on FLEXICOSE:


And here is the website on the one my mum got me!!


dog thought of the day

Whoever pees last is top dog!!!